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Foosball 4 Player TaBle

Our Games » Foosball 4 Player TaBle
foosball 4 player table

The Foosball 4 Player Table is a compact yet durable foosball table perfect for smaller spaces. With a sleek and modern design, this table is made from high-quality materials and is built to last. The table measures 65inches in length and 48 inches in width, making it the ideal size for 2-4 players. The playing surface is smooth and easy to clean, ensuring that the game always stays exciting and fast-paced. Each player controls 4 rods, allowing for precise control over the ball. The table also features a built-in scoring system, ensuring that the competition stays fair and balanced.

Dimensions: 48″W x 65″L x 48″H
Required: space 9′ x 6′ min
No Power Required

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