Jurassic Park is an exciting action-adventure franchise that first appeared in the form of a blockbuster movie in 1993. In the world of video games, the franchise has been adapted into several thrilling games that allow players to experience the adventure and excitement of the films firsthand.
In these games, players take on the role of dinosaur experts and must navigate through a variety of dangerous environments filled with prehistoric creatures. The games feature a mix of gameplay elements, including exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat, with a heavy emphasis on survival.
Players can use a variety of weapons and tools to fend off the dinosaurs and complete their missions, and the games feature a range of different modes, including single-player campaigns and multiplayer modes.
With stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, the Jurassic Park video game franchise is a must-play for fans of the films and anyone who loves action-adventure games.
Dimensions: 118″H x 53.5″W x 80″D
Power: 120v, 3 amps